The Academy of Makeup is characterized by complete and rigorous student, based on extensive theoretical and practical plan to acquire the technical and creative skills needed in today’s market. In our centres have been past more than 24,000 students who have succeeded in their fields of expertise. In the classrooms of Cazcarra Group schools, our professionals instils values such as perseverance, thoroughness, effort, illusion and passion, principles that have brought us to this successful business to become a reference in Personal Image.
Students of the Master of High Specialization in Makeup have implemented the knowledge acquired so far. This has created realistic characterizations based on the book «Don Quixote» in which they have been able to practice dipping techniques as porcelain or gel, placement of beards and wigs, and makeup applied to the scenery.
Would you like to be the next to create these wonderful works? Come and meet on Wednesday March 28 at the Open Day of the School of Personal Image. See our training excellence from the hand of experts from the School of Makeup, Hairdressing School and the Cazcarra School of Image Advisory Group.